One of our goals is to improve the policy making process in the Czech Republic in terms of gender mainstreaming of national policies for research, development and innovation and to increase gender balance in decision-making and policy-making processes.

The Centre for Gender and Science organizes biannual national conferences on gender in science.
National level
- Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
- Working Group on Men and Gender Equality
- Comittee on Institutional Security of Gender Equality
- Working Group for Gender Equality of Ministry of Education
International level
Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation under European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC SWG GRI) is a policy advisory committee that advises the Council of the EU, the European Commission and member states on policies and initiatives related to gender equality in research and innovation. ERAC SWG GRI is a successor of Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation and consists of representatives of the Member States and Associated Countries, and the European Commission.
There is a substantial overlay between ERAC SWG GRI members and GENDERACTION consortium and associate members. Among GENDERACTIONs´goals is to support capacity building in gender equality in R&I among responsible national representatives and provide mutual learning opportunities to maximize existing experience among policy makers and other relevant stakeholders. The head of the ERAC SWG GRI is Marcela Linková, the coordinator of GENDERACTION project.
- Extension of deadline for the Czech Science Foundation’s submission of project proposals;
- Organization of the Senate Conference on Parenting, Care and Scientific Profession;
- The possibility to interrupt a postdoctoral grant on account of maternity/parental leave;
- Inclusion of the topic of gender equality in science into the Government Strategy for Gender Equality 2014–2020;
- Initiation of and support for promoting gender equality in research (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Globe, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague);
- Debates on sexisms on campus (Beauty Contests, sexist PR of universities etc).