We Do

Gender equality is one of the cornerstones of research excellence and one that seeks to address the needs of all people. We help research and higher education institutions with the implementation of cultural and institutional changes based on Gender Equality Plans. We are members of various expert groups and advisory bodies in the Czech Republic and at the EU level. And we work to raise awareness about gender issues in research and share the achievements of women researchers with the general public.
We study the various aspects of gender equality in research, such as the gender bias in assessments of research excellence, the gender aspects of academic mobility and workplace conditions in research institutions, and gender-based violence and sexual harassment in the academic workplace, and we analyse gender equality policies in research and innovation in the Czech Republic and Europe.
One of our goals is to improve the policy-making process in the Czech Republic when it comes to the gender mainstreaming of national policies for research, development, and innovation. We serve as experts in the expert groups and advisory bodies of the Czech government and ministries and work with relevant stakeholders to design and implement gender equality policies.
We publish statistical reports on the position of women in Czech science, methodologies supporting research organisations in the process of institutional change, research publications and studies, and interviews with Czech women researchers.
We participate in various science festivals, campaigns, and events such as the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Researchers’ Night, and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We share news and information with the media, are active on social media, and organise public debates, exhibitions, and lectures on gender equality in research. And we present women researchers as role models and introduce the academic community and the general public to various issues relating to gender equality.
In every area of research the achievements of women have been consistently overlooked and overshadowed by the achievements of their male counterparts. Therefore, in December 2015 the United Nations Member States adopted a resolution to establish an annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science to recognise the critical role that women and girls play in science and technology. The Centre for Gender and Science joined the celebrations of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2016 and has organised a special campaign on social media every year.
Since 2008 the Centre for Gender and Science has participated in an event that was launched as Science and Technology Week and is now known as the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences. This is the biggest science festival in the country and is organised by the Czech Academy of Sciences, and we use it as an opportunity to arrange poster exhibitions, discussions, and lectures for the general public on various gender equality issues in research.
The Centre for Gender and Science has organised Researchers’ Night in the Czech Republic ever since European Researchers’ Night was launched in 2005. Researchers’ Night is a space to explore new communication possibilities between the scientific community and the general public. We strive to advance critical debates about gender and knowledge-making, gender equality issues in research, and the responsibility that research has toward society and nature.