Special Jury Prize for Students’ Research on Sexual Violence in Secondary Schools
This year, our colleague Nina Fárová led an internship Women and Men in Czech Society within the Open Science (Otevřená věda) project of the Academy of Sciences. The secondary school students she supervised, carried out a research study into sexual harassment at secondary schools. They conducted a total of 11 interviews with their classmates and for their work won a special jury prize on 22 November. “It is great that we used the last moment when we were studying in secondary schools and that we could interview our classmates who talked to us on an equal footing. This is much better than if someone completely strange arrived or if the interviews were done by teachers,” said the students and concluded: “We would like sexual harassment to be seen more as bullying. Bullying is talked about. And we all know it’s wrong. But when bullying gains a sexual undertone, people suddenly feel fine. We would be very glad if sexual harassment was not tolerated.”