Maria Rodó-Zárate: Geographies of Intersectionality
When: 13. 12. 2022 at 5 pm CET
Where: online
Registration: here
This online workshop is part of a series of guest workshops organised by the Centre for Gender and Science (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) given by international experts intended to mainstream gender dimension in research and bring best practices and interesting examples into the Czech scientific context. The primary target groups are experts and scientists within the particular field.
Intersectionality is a proposal that emerged from Black feminism in the United States in the 1980s that has had a central influence on gender studies and feminisms. In this conference, a situated perspective on its genealogies and its scope is presented, as well as some proposals on how an intersectional perspective can be applied to research, both in relation to epistemological issues and theoretical and methodological tools on how to apply it.
Speaker’s bio:
Maria Rodó-Zárate is assistant professor at the Political and Social Sciences Department at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Her research focuses on the study of social inequalities from an intersectional, spatial and emotional perspective applied to issues such as the right to the city, gender-based violence or LGBTI-phobia. She is interested in the spatial articulations among social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or (dis)ability, and their effects on lived experience.
She has also developed specific methodologies for the study of intersectionality such as the Relief Maps, which won the Ramon Molinas Award (2018) for the best social impact project.
She has been a visiting research fellow at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (United States), Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (Brasil) and University College Dublin (Ireland). She is now leading a project funded by ERC Starting Grant on mapping social inequalities.
This event is supported by the CZERA shared activities project funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (identification code MS2103).