EASST + 4S JOINT CONFERENCE is going virtual
Under current conditions, it has been decided to make the EASST + 4S JOINT conference, that the Centre for Gender and Science co-organizes, fully virtual. Given future scenarios of the current pandemic and related restrictions in global mobility, it was concluded that it is not reasonable any longer to (techno)optimistically keep organizing the physical event in Prague. From the three options on the table – to cancel, postpone or go virtual, the third option was chosen. The event will migrate to the virtual timespace and it will take place in the planned dates of August 18-21, 2020.
We are now intensely investigating the technical possibilities for the entirely virtual meeting and will keep you updated. Going virtual will definitely mean learning new things for all of us and a bit of extra work for the sessions chairs. However, we very much hope you all will stay with us on board this experiment of recreating the community online. We believe the new format, however forced upon us, can also become a petri dish for testing new, more eco- and climate-friendly ways of scholarly exchange. Having said that, please do not worry, there will surely be face-to-face academic sociality (perhaps mask-to-mask for some time) again!