GE Academy is announcing cycle of training sessions
The GE Academy Project, supported by EU under Horizon 2020, is projected to develop and implement a coherent and high-quality capacity building programme on gender equality in Research and Innovation (R&I) field, based on state-of-the-art knowledge. The project seeks to provide tailor-made training material in diverse formats, such as train-the-trainers, in-person trainings and interactive workshops, summer schools, webinars and online distributed open collaborative courses. Comprising a cross-national consortium of research organisations, institutions and academia, the programme’s ambitious goal is to produce and distribute training material in a minimum of 15 countries.
The GE Academy will respond to the needs of those who are contributing to and can become involved in institutional change towards gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) as well as in Higher Education (HE). The Programme will tackle issues of gender equality in research institutions and teams through structural change, and issues of gender dimension into research contents following the three main ERA objectives set for gender equality in research. At the same time, a pan-European network of gender trainers will be established. Trainers, practitioners and researchers will be trained, coached and upskilled for delivering gender training sessions tailored to the R&I and HE communities all over Europe and beyond.
Hence the above, the GE Academy is announcing its first training sessions, which are going to take place in different European cities. Two webinars, two workshops and another two In-person trainings are planned throughout the next two months as following:
- Webinar on Gender Equality Plans: an introduction, Date: 31 October 2019 at 15.00 cet, Duration: 90 minutes, Target: HR managers and officers, Equality officers, Middle managers
- Webinar on Gender in Research & Innovation, Date: 13 November 2019 at 13.00 cet, Duration: 90 minutes, Target: Beginners from different groups
- Workshop on Gender action plans: getting them right and making them happen, Date: 5 November 2019, Location: Dublin, Ireland, Host institution: Trinity College Dublin, Duration: ½ day, Target: GE officers and managers, GEP team members, Human resources officers and Middle Managers
- Workshop on Dealing with resistances, Date: 18-19 November 2019, Location: Barcelona, Spain, Host institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG Co-organized with ACT), Duration: 1 ½ days, Target: GEP team members, GE officers / Gender focal persons, Organisational change agents
- In-Person Training on How to avoid gender bias in recruitment and promotion, Date: 10 December 2019, Location: Montpellier, France, Host institution: The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), Duration: 1 day, Language: French, Target: Human resources officers, Gender equality officers, Equality / Diversity officers, GEP teams, Middle managers / Team or Unit leaders
- In-Person Training on Towards a gender-aware research organisation: what you need to know (but never dared to ask), Date: 12 December 2019, Location: Bari, Italy, Host institution: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Duration: 1 day, Language: English, Target: Human resources officers, Gender equality officers / focal persons; Equality / diversity officers, Researchers
The registration process is currently open for all the listed sessions and participation can be secured through the online application form on Project’s web portal. Participation is free of charge and participants from all over Europe and beyond are welcomed. Due to limited availability of seats on sessions please apply promptly.
What is more, GE Academy is openly invites institutions outside its Consortium to common actions like the scheduled training sessions so that future events be hosted in many more locations. Thus, for further updates and overview of recent project news, highlights, activities and opportunities to get involved interested parties can subscribe to the GE Academy Newsletter list.