Gender-SMART Just About to Start
The Centre for Gender & Science is part of the new H2020 Consoricium of the Gender-SMART project . Together with Yellow Window the Centre will use its gender expertise and support seven European partners operating in the agricultural and life sciences research fields to implement gender eqaulity plans.
The official kick-off meeting will be held from 12 to 14 February 2019 in Montpellier, France.
Seven organizations defining and implementing gender equality plans:
- Agence Nationale de Recherche (France)
- Centro De Investigaciones Cientificas Y Tecnologicas De Extremadura (Spain)
- Centro Internazionale Di Alti studi Agronomici Mediterranei (Italy)
- CIRAD (France)
- Teagasc – Agriculture And Food Development Authority (Ireland)
- Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
- Wageningen University and Research (the Netherlands)
Two technical partners specialising in gender:
- Yellow Window (Belgium)
- Institute Of Sociology Of the Czech Academy Of Sciences Public Research (Czech Republic)
You can download the press release of the Gender-SMART coordinator CIRAD here (in doc).