H2020 Project GENDERACTION Kicked Off in Prague
The H2020 GENDERACTION project kicked off in Prague on 22 and 23 May. The project is coordinated by the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science of the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences.
“It is my honour to coordinate the GENDERACTION consortium. Having been granted the project confirms the important position of our Centre in the field of gender equality in European Research Area,” says Marcela Linkova, the project coordinator.
GENDERACTION will create an innovative policy community for the implementation of the gender priority in the European Research Area (ERA) by setting up a network of representatives appointed by national authorities in 13 Member States and Associated Countries, with 3 Associate Partners.
The objective is to foster policy coordination among Member States and Horizon 2020 and build competences for gender equality in research and innovation among various types of European and national stakeholders.
The network will map, monitor and assess implementation of actions foreseen in priority 4 gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the national ERA roadmaps of the participating countries; foster exchange and mutual learning among representatives of national authorities in order to achieve policy coordination in priority 4; provide various trainings to relevant stakeholders such as national authorities, RFOs and RPOs and NCPs with a view to building competences in priority 4; give strategic advice to key stakeholders on gender equality in research and innovation in Europe and beyond; foster the inclusion of gender equality in international cooperation in science, technology and innovation, and disseminate its results.
The network will cooperate closely with the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation, the advisory body of the ERAC. GENDERACTION’s impact will be enhanced policy process to implement gender equality in research and innovation; increased knowledge and exchange among less and more advanced countries; enhanced consistency of gender equality policies and actions across Europe; and better integration of gender equality in international cooperation in research and innovation.
GENDERACTION will be launching its website and its Twitter account in September 2017.