Book Launch of Dynamic Equilibrium In Easy Reach?
Why are women underrepresented in the senior ranks of the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT)? Why is there a sharp drop at post/doctoral level? Are study and working conditions for women researchers at UCT fair and sufficient? Is there equality in science for both women and men? Blanka Nyklova and Hana Viznerova of the Centre for Gender and Science consulted these issues with men chemists of UCT Prague. The outcome of their research is a book of 20 interviews titled Dynamic Equilibrium Within Easy Reach? Interviews with Chemists UCT Prague, which was launched 7 December 2017.
“We cannot conduct a gender research of work conditions by interviewing women only. It is highly necessary to interview all who are involved in the work environment,” said Blanka Nyklova during her opening speech. The research showed that some prejudices against women in research prevail regardless generation and educational level. Therefore we cannot rely on the fact next generation will be less biased. A large number of men consider the existing work conditions for women researchers to be sufficient.
One of the respondents, Jan Merna, said women researchers cannot pursue a scientific career without the support from their partners, co-workers and heads of departments. He himself went on vacation to help his wife with three children and to work part-time.
The publication of 20 interviews received funding from the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration and was part of the TRIGGER programme.
- Autorky publikace Blanka Nyklová a Hana Víznerová
- Jitka Moravcová
- Rut Bízková
- Anna Mittnerová
- Radek Škarohlíd
- Marcel Kraus, Jan Merna a syn
© Jiří Pasz