Book Launch – Inferior by Angela Saini

Domů Book Launch – Inferior by Angela Saini

On 29 October 2018, the Centre for Gender and Science launched the Czech translation of Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong by British writer and science journalist Angela Saini in the Louvre Gallery under the title Od přírody podřadné: Jak se věda mýlila v ženách.

The book was published in 2017. It received rave reviews in the Financial Times, Economist, Guardian, Observer, The Independent, Daily Mail and New StatesmanInferior is out now in Czech, Spanish, Dutch and Swedish, and other translations are on their way from South Korea, Brazil, Italy and Japan. According to the figures from the Academia publishing house, the Czech version is soon to be sold out.

Angela Saini also appeared as the keynote speaker at the 5th national conference on gender and science, which took place the next day 30th October at the Czech Academy of Sciences. In her presentation How Science Got Women Wrong she talked about the development of attitudes towards women in research from Darwin´s times until today, the prejudice and barriers female researchers have had to overcome, diverse roles women play across the world etc.

You can read an interview the Centre conducted with Angela Saini for the Czech Academy of Sciences.