Stefanie Lemke: Integrating gender in food systems research
When: 4.10. 16:30 – 18:30
Where: Zoom
We would like to kindly invite you to a webinar titled Integrating gender in food systems research – concepts, approaches and experiences from the field with professor Stefanie Lemke, which is part of educational activities of Centre for Gender and Science focusing on gender dimension in research.
In food systems research as well as in other research areas, a gendered perspective is key to better understand and address the structural conditions and inequalities that are inherent in these systems. There is still a research gap with regard to context-specific gender-differentiated data. Besides gender, other social categories, such as age, education, socio-economic/health status, determine whether actors in food systems have access to various resources or face barriers. This requires a broader gender-transformative and intersectional approach, enabling to uncover intersecting relations of power and inequality.
In my presentation, I will first outline important concepts, such as gender, gender-based violence and structural discrimination, empowerment, and intersectionality. I will then introduce methodological approaches on how to integrate gender and intersectionality in research, in the context of food systems and governance of natural resources, with specific focus on access to land and other resources as well as participation of women, youth and marginalised groups. This will be illustrated by drawing on case studies from participatory transdisciplinary action research in different geographical contexts in Europe, East and West Africa, sharing experiences and learnings from the field.
Meaningful research and action for achieving sustainable food systems and well-being of individuals and communities must be based on an understanding of the broader historical, political, social, economic, cultural and environmental conditions and the local context. The role and positionality of researchers are key in these research processes, with transparent, ethical and respectful relationships being core values that should apply to all research activities and collaborations.
Stefanie Lemke is professor and head of the Institute for Development Research, Department of Sustainable Agriculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, and Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, UK.
Her research experience spans more than 25 years, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Areas of work include the human right to adequate food/nutrition, gender, intersectionality, women’s rights, food/nutrition security, sustainable food systems, sustainable livelihoods, governance of natural resources. She applies gender-transformative, rights-based, feminist, participatory and transdisciplinary approaches, co-conceptualizing research with actors from civil society organisations and peasant movements. She also worked as consultant for various organizations in the fields of nutrition counselling and livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please do so by the
1st of October here.
This event is supported by the CZERA shared activities project funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (identification code MS2103).