Newsletter Editorial 1/2019

Domů Newsletter Editorial 1/2019

Dear colleagues,

This issue brings you a selection of must-read articles about some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science in the past six months.
First of all, we are bringing you a report about the International Day of Women and Girls campaign. The centre was also represented at the Women In Science conference, which was organised by the British embassy.

Last but not least, we are proud to announce that the Czech translation of Angela Saini’s Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong was awarded a prize for translation.

On behalf of the Centre I wish you inspiring reading,

Marcela Linková

Here you can download the newsletter 1/2019.

International Day Of Women And Girls In Science: Campaign

Women In Science Conference

GE in R&I: 20 years of EU activities and still a long way to go

GENDERACTION: Future of gender equality in Europe

Czech version of Inferior awarded

2017 Monitoring report on the position of women in science