Editorial Newsletter 2/2017

Domů Editorial Newsletter 2/2017

Dear colleagues,

In this issue we are bringing you an overview of some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science carried out in the second half of 2017.

We are proud to announce that we launched three books in November and December 2017. We report about the first book House Revolt: How Women Did Dissent in our last newsletter 1/2017. Its launch took place on 17 November 2017, the hall was packed, out of 21, 19 respondents came.

The next book is a publication of interviews with men chemists at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague on gender equality in science, Dynamic Equilibrium in Easy Reach? Interestingly, prejudice toward women in science prevail regardless of age, education and position.

Last but not least, the third book, launched in mid-December, is a result of four year implementation of a mentoring programme for early-career researchers. Katerina Cidlinska and Martina Fucimanova prepared a book of interviews with their mentors and mentees Mentoring: Beyond the Manuals, which offers a unique insight into the barriers and challenges early career researchers face in Czech public research and universities.

We are also proud to have seen Marcela Linkova elected the chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation, and Katerina Cidlinska elected the chair of eument-net.

On behalf of the Centre we wish you inspiring reading and Merry Christmas!

Naďa Strakova and Marcela Linkova

Here you can download the newsletter 2/2017.