Newsletter Editorial 2/2018

Domů Newsletter Editorial 2/2018

Dear colleagues,

This issue brings you a selection of must-read articles about some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science in the past six months.

First of all, we are bringing you a report from the 5th national conference on gender and science, which also includes main findings of our survey of academics and their work conditions, well-being and job satisfaction.

We are proud to announce that we launched the Czech translation of Angela Saini’s Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong. Angela Saini was present at the book launch and she was also the keynote speaker of the above-mentioned conference on gender and science.

The months of October and November were filled with debates, lectures and presentations and one award giving..

On behalf of the Centre we wish you inspiring reading and great Christmas and Happy New Year!

Naďa Straková and Marcela Linková

Here you can download the newsletter 2/2018.