Debata o sexuálním obtěžování a násilí na univerzitách v Kampusu Hybernská
Kdy: 22. 11. od 18 hodin
Kde: Kampus Hybernská, Hybernská 4, Praha 1
Registrace: https://bit.ly/3hF7GJr
online stream: https://youtu.be/fqeND5hGqSg
NKC připravilo debatu Making universities and research organisations safe for students: UniSAFE findings, která ukáže mimo jiné úplně nové statistiky o rozšířenosti sexuálního obtěžování a genderově podmíněného násilí na evropských univerzitách. Aktuální data představí experti a expertky z unikátního evropského projektu UniSAFE, na kterém se NKC podílí. Debata se zaměří i na to, jaké kroky mohou univerzity podnikntou k tomu, aby bylo akademické prostředí bezpečnější pro všechny. Probíhat bude v anglickém jazyce.
Moderace: Marcela Linková, vedoucí NKC – gender a věda
- Fredrik Bondestam, Gothenburg University
- Claudia Schredl, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- Vilana Pilinkaité, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
- Averil Huck, NKC – gender a věda
- Beatriz Ranea Triviño, Complutense University Madrid
Gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, is a major issue in European universities and research institutions, and strongly impacts student and staff wellbeing. With increasing attention over the past years, many ministries, higher education, and research institutions have adopted specific policies to tackle this issue. But how widespread is gender-based violence in European research organisations and universities in 2022? What type of violence are we actually talking about? How does it impact victims‘ and survivors’ well-being, studies, and career outcomes? And what to do? How are higher education and research institutions tackling this issue? What are the challenges of introducing policies at an institutional level? And what are the threats to our ability to fight gender-based violence given the surge of anti-gender backlash?
These issues – and many more – will be addressed based on the brand-new findings from the UniSAFE project and the largest cross-cultural survey on gender-based violence implemented within European universities and research organisations UniSAFE is a European research project that studies gender-based violence in academia on multiple levels. This includes its prevalence as well as institutions’ responses and failures to respond to these acts of violence. This event will be an opportunity to discuss how the issue is tackled in other European countries, learn from institutions’ challenges and good practices, provide a framework to reflect on how to tackle gender-based violence in academia, and find inspiration to take action in protecting students and staff.