
The State of Women in Science in India – Not Intelligent Enough?

Saranya Manoharan Women make up only 14% of Indian researchers, compared to the global average of 28%. Gender parity in participation in higher education has been steadily increasing, with women constituting nearly 47.6% of the total enrolment. So what explains the abysmal gender representation among researchers? Breakup of university students by fields of study shows clear evidence of bias along gender lines. While women make up the majority of students in arts and medicine (the...

Editorial Newsletter 1/2018

Dear colleagues, This issue brings you a selection of must-read articles about some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science in the past six months. First of all, we are bringing you a roundup of year one of the Horizon 2020 GENDERACTION project. We are also proud to announce that we completed the Operational Programme “Employment” survey. We are currently working on processing the results and here we present the...

GenderAction: Main Results of Year Number 1

A year ago the GENDERACTION project was launched to establish a policy platform to support the implementation of gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA) at the level of member states and associated countries. The GENDERACTION consortium consists of 13 organisations from 12 countries and 5 Associate Partners from additional five countries. GENDERACTION closely cooperates with the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI). The main tools GENDERACTION employs...

GenderAction Launches Horizon Europe Policy Briefs Series

In June we launched GENDERACTION Policy Brief Series on Horizon Europe, to bring the key gender issues to the on-going negotiations. The intention is to release one GENDERACTION policy brief on Horizon Europe per week in the upcoming months. We are firmly convinced that gender equality policies and the gender dimension in research and innovation are crucial for the future Framework Programme and should be adequately reflected and integrated in the official documents as well as in further discussion, dissemination...

New Book: Gender and Neoliberalism in Czech Academia

We published an e-book Gender and Neoliberalism in Czech Academia, edited by Marta Vohlídalová and Marcela Linková. The book analyses the consequences of the neoliberal-informed reforms for gender equality in Czech academia. It examines gender aspects in the construction of research excellence, gender blind research policy adopted in the Czech Republic, academic career paths before 1989 and today, mobility, wellbeing and job satisfaction among academics and the reasons and motivations for leaving academic careers. The...

Survey: Academics of 2017

The Centre for Gender and Science and the Public Opinion Research Centre conducted a representative survey among academics working in the Czech Republic about their work conditions, wellbeing and job satisfaction. The survey was part of the project “Analysis of Barriers and Support Strategy for Equality in Science and Research”, funded by the EU Operational Programme Employment (OPE), which combines qualitative and quantitative research methods. Here we present the preliminary results of the representative survey....

5th National Conference on Gender and Science

On 30 October 2018 the Czech Academy of Sciences will host the 5th national conference on gender and science, this time titled Science As a Vocation. The conference is organized by the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science. We are honoured that acclaimed science journalist and writer Angela Saini accepted our invitation to be the keynote speaker. Her book Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong is being translated into Czech and should come out...

Eument-net Workshop and General Assembly

Kateřina Cidlinská, chairwoman of eument-net (European network of mentoring programmes) invites you to a workshop for mentoring programme coordinators and eument-net General Assembly which will take place on 22 August in Dublin during the 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education. The workshop will focus on how to support peer mentoring in mentoring programmes. It will be lectured by the Mentoring and Training (MuT) member and is open for non-members. The workshop will...

2018 Mentoring Programme Launched

We are happy to report that 88 mentees (65 women, 23 men) enrolled in our mentoring programme in 2018. There are 77 doctoral students and 11 post-doctoral students, 61 from liberal and social science fields and 27 from engineering and natural sciences. The mentors come from Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, and Palacký University in Olomouc.

Angela Saini: Disappointed by Darwin

Are women more nurturing than men? Are men more promiscuous than women? Did Charles Darwin really believe that females are inferior? Why are humans and killer whales among the few mammals that undergo the menopause? Taking us on an eye-opening journey through science, Angela Saini’s Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong and the New Research That’s Rewriting the Story challenges our preconceptions about men and women. In her book, science journalist and engineer Saini challenges the...