Snapshots: Women In Science Conference
On 5 March 2019 the British embassy hosted the conference Women In Science. Among the presenters were Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Ottoline Leyser, Baroness Susan Greenfield and many others. Pictures by Jana Plavec
On 5 March 2019 the British embassy hosted the conference Women In Science. Among the presenters were Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Ottoline Leyser, Baroness Susan Greenfield and many others. Pictures by Jana Plavec
In 2019, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of EU activities to advance gender equality in research. Marcela Linkova from the Czech Centre for Gender and Science and Chair of ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation, discusses advances achieved as well as the continued gaps among European countries. Over the past twenty years big strides have been made in Europe to advance gender equality in research and innovation. We have far...
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, established by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 February, is to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. Science and gender equality are both vital for sustainable development. Yet women and girls continued to be excluded from participating fully in science: less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women. This year the Centre for Gender and Science celebrated...
The Centre of Excellence – Women and Science and the Leibnitz Institute for the Social Sciences call for abstracts for the international workshop Gender-based Violence in Higher Education to connect ongoing research, which will take place 8 – 9 March 2019 at GESIS in Cologne, Germany. For more information please click here.
This document is an outcome of the research project “Analysis of Barriers to and Support Strategy for Gender Equality in Science and Research” implemented in 2017 and 2018 by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as part of the Operational Programme Employment. The objective of the project was to develop recommendations for action to advance gender equality in research and development for the state administration and other key national players in...
The percentage of Czech women working in the scientific research sector, at 26 percent, is the among the lowest in the European Union, where the average is 33 percent. According to the Marcela Linková, head of the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, several western European countries, including France, Germany and the Netherlands, fall below the EU average. In the Baltic countries of Latvia and Lithuania, women represent more than 50% of all scientific...
The Centre for Gender & Science is part of the new H2020 Consoricium of the Gender-SMART project . Together with Yellow Window the Centre will use its gender expertise and support seven European partners operating in the agricultural and life sciences research fields to implement gender eqaulity plans. The official kick-off meeting will be held from 12 to 14 February 2019 in Montpellier, France. Seven organizations defining and implementing gender equality plans: Agence Nationale de Recherche...
Commemorating the 4th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science will celebrate the achievements of Czech as well as global women researchers of 2018. The Centre will run a social media campaign aimed at informing and mobilizing the public, connecting women in science and supporters of women in science as well as inspiring young girls to pursue careers in science. Between 4 – 11 February 2019...
Our 2018 European Researchers’ Night looked into the ways law has been historically gendered. In her public talk “Man’s Law – Are Laws Truly Neutral?” constitutional judge Kateřina Šimáčková discussed the impact of law on the lives of women and men, gender equality and discrimination of women in the Czech legal system. With this lecture we wanted to commemorate the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918 and the year when the Faculty of Law of Charles...
On 15 October 2018, the Centre for Gender and Science organised a brunch with Eva Zažímalová, President of Czech Academy of Sciences and early-career women researchers. The room was packed, with 75 researchers, some with small babies. “It just shows there are big problems and obstacles that young women researchers face. Those require immediate attention and systematic solution,” says Marcela Linková, head of the Centre. Professor Zažímalová talked about her personal path to science. Her...