
Interview of the Month: NKC and Marcela Linkova

Every month the European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) presents the characteristics and activities of one Member Association. This month it is the National Contact Center for Gender and Science. EPWS: If you wanted to describe your association in one sentence, what would you say? NKC: Since 2001 we have been working to advance gender equality in Czech research and higher education and address challenges facing specifically women researchers. EPWS: What are its recent achievements?...

New book: Gender And Neoliberalism In Czech Academia

“Transforming knowledge into an engine of economy” is a motto that has driven the transformation of research in the last few decades. Competition stands at the centre of the current neoliberal-inspired reforms and has underpinned changes in research organization, career paths and working conditions in academia, and research funding practices. This book analyses the consequences of the neoliberal-informed reforms for gender equality in Czech academia. It examines gender aspects in the construction of research excellence,...

Kateřina Cidlinská on eument-net

A chair of Eument-net, an European network of mentoring programmes, Kateřina Cidlinská, gave an interview to European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS). Read more about objectives, history and recent achievements of eument-net on the website of EPWS.

STEMM Equality Congress

The STEMM Equality Congress is a two day conference hosted annually focusing on equality, diversity and inclusion in the STEMM fields. Building on some of the key themes and issues presented during the 2017 Congress, 2018 will focus on: intersectionality; sharing success stories from around the world; practical measures that are working for other organisations; local challenges that organisations are facing and the tools they are using to address these challenges; and how these tools...

2018 International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Last year we focused on our favourite women researchers, university teachers and inventors, who inspire us. This year we want to commemorate women inventors and their inventions. During the campaign at this Facebook page we will present a handful of the many females whose ingenuity shaped the world, as we know it over the last couple of centuries. Mary Andreson, Tabitha Masters, Stephanie Kwolek, Grace Hopper and plenty of others. Women inventors played an important...

Editorial Newsletter 2/2017

Dear colleagues, In this issue we are bringing you an overview of some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science carried out in the second half of 2017. We are proud to announce that we launched three books in November and December 2017. We report about the first book House Revolt: How Women Did Dissent in our last newsletter 1/2017. Its launch took place on 17 November 2017, the hall...

Book Launch of House Revolt: How Women Did Dissent

On the day commemorating the change of the regime in Czechoslovakia, 17 November 2017, the book called Bytová revolta: Jak ženy dělaly disent (House Revolt: How Women Did Dissent) was launched in the Lucerna Gallery. Of the 21 women presented in book 19 were present at the launch. During her opening speech, Marcela Linkova of the Centre for Gender and Science, one of the co-editors and mastermind behind the book explained why the Centre team...

Book Launch of Mentoring: Beyond the Manuals

A result of four year implementation of a mentoring programme for early-career researchers, Katerina Cidlinska and Martina Fucimanova prepared a book of interviews with their mentors and mentees and offer a unique insight into the barriers and challenges facing early career researchers in Czech public research and universities. The book was written with three goals. One is to testify to the benefits of the mentoring programmes for junior researchers and to attract the interest of...

Book Launch of Dynamic Equilibrium In Easy Reach?

Why are women underrepresented in the senior ranks of the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT)? Why is there a sharp drop at post/doctoral level? Are study and working conditions for women researchers at UCT fair and sufficient? Is there equality in science for both women and men? Blanka Nyklova and Hana Viznerova of the Centre for Gender and Science consulted these issues with men chemists of UCT Prague. The outcome of their research...

Marcela Linkova Elected Chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group

On 18 October 2017 Marcela Linková, the head of the Centre for Gender and Science, was elected the chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI). The European Research and Innovation Advisory Committee (ERAC) gives advice to the Council, the Commission and Member States on research and innovation related to the European Research Area. The SWG GRI builds on the work of the Commission’s advisory group, the Helsinki...