
Newsletter Editorial 2/2018

Dear colleagues, This issue brings you a selection of must-read articles about some of the activities of the National Contact Centre for Gender in Science in the past six months. First of all, we are bringing you a report from the 5th national conference on gender and science, which also includes main findings of our survey of academics and their work conditions, well-being and job satisfaction. We are proud to announce that we launched the...

Main Findings from Qualitative Research

The qualitative study focused on a more detailed analysis of the conditions of scientific work and the manifestations of gender culture in Czech academia. The research was conducted at four institutions – two HE institutions and two public research organisations. The sample included institutions in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering, and small, medium and large-sized institutions. We carried out 40 semi-structured interviews with academics and researchers at these four institutions. The interviews...

2016 Monitoring Report on Position of Women in Science

The latest 2016 Monitoring Report shows the same trends as our previous reports. Research fails to use the potential of highly qualified women. While the percentage of women increases in all levels of study. The share of women displays a stable decreasing trend, with the number in 2016 being the lowest since the start of the monitoring in 2000.Women made up 30.3 % of all positions in research and development in 2016. International comparison places the...

Milada Paulová Award Winner: Eliška Walterová

On 27 November 2018, Professor Eliška Walterová of the Institute for Research and Development of Education at the Faculty of Education, Charles University received the 2018 Milada Paulová Award, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in cooperation with the Centre for Gender and Science and. The MP award is given annually in recognition of research achievements and contribution to advancement of science. This year it was given in the field of education and...

2016 Monitoring Report: Main Findings

The latest 2016 Monitoring Report shows that research in the Czech Republic fails to use the potential of highly qualified women. The trend of percentage of women increasing in all levels of study and the percentage of women in research remaining the same continues. Employees in Research and Development The overall number of employees in research and development is increasing. A growing number was also observed within individual professions: researcher, technician, and other positions in...

Book Launch – Inferior by Angela Saini

On 29 October 2018, the Centre for Gender and Science launched the Czech translation of Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong by British writer and science journalist Angela Saini in the Louvre Gallery under the title Od přírody podřadné: Jak se věda mýlila v ženách. The book was published in 2017. It received rave reviews in the Financial Times, Economist, Guardian, Observer, The Independent, Daily Mail and New Statesman. Inferior is out now in Czech, Spanish,...

5th National Conference: Science As a Vocation

On 30 October 2018, the Czech Academy of Sciences hosted the 5th national conference on gender and science, this time titled Science As a Vocation. The conference was organized by the Centre for Gender and Science of the Institute of Sociology of Czech Academy of Sciences. We were honoured that Angela Saini, acclaimed science journalist and author of the book Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong, accepted our invitation to deliver a keynote presentation. Marcela...

Lecture on Attitudes To Working Women

In her presentation organized as part of the Science and Technology Week, historian Dana Musilová examined the attitudes toward working women in the 19th and 20th centuries. Professor Musilová discussed the rise of specifically women’s professions, under what circumstances and with what results women were demanding entry into “male” professions, and equal access to the labour market. She also discussed the public opinion of professional activities of women at the time.

5th National Conference on Gender and Science

Research as a Profession in 2018 On 30 Oct 2018 the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science holds the 5th national conference on gender and science. British science journalist Angela Saini kindly accepted our invitation to be the key note speaker. Marcela Linková, Marta Vohlídalová and Kateřina Cidlinská of the Centre will present outcome of the research on work conditions in academic profession. Programme: 10.00 – 10.15 Welcome Speech Eva Zažímalová, President of the...

Marcela Linková for European Assoc. for Study of Science and Technology

The Centre for Gender & Science was established as a research department at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the middle of 2016, after fifteen years of building its research, policy, and advocacy engagements at the EU and country levels. Its research profile focuses on 1) research careers from a gender perspective; 2) the impacts of neoliberal transformations in the public sector, especially in research, healthcare and social work; and...