
Czech Presidency conference Ending gender-based violence in academia

We are organising a conference Ending gender-based violence in academia: Toward gender-equal, safe and inclusive research and higher education within the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference will take place on 24 and 25 November 2022 in Prague, with the possibility of remote attendance.  It will bring together (among others) representatives of student organisations, national authorities, Research Funding Organisations, Research Performing Organisations and other relevant stakeholders in order...

GENDERACTIONplus: A new Horizon Europe project to advance gender equality in the European Research Area

On 8 – 10 July 2022, a kick-off meeting of the GENDERACTIONplus project will be hosted by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. The consortium consisting of 26 organisations operating in 21 European countries will, in line with the new ERA Policy Agenda, focus on five thematic areas, including gender based violence in academia and inclusiveness and intersectionality with other diversity categories and potential grounds for discrimination,...

RESISTIRÉ Project Meeting

Having completed the second cycle of data collection on how COVID-19 policies have affected gender inequalities, RESISTIRÉ now seeks to propose innovative recommendations and guidelines to support policy makers, employers and civil society to address these impacts. To this end, we are organising a workshop among the project partners and external experts to work together to develop these recommendations, taking into account the themes that have emerged during the different phases of the project. Discussing...

2° edition: Gender Equality Academy starts in September – REGISTER NOW!

GENDER EQUALITY PLANS IN PRACTICΕ: Towards sound and sustainable institutional change processes in research organizations. Join the Distributed Open Collaborative Course of the Gender Equality Academy in its highly interactive formats. Take the chance to learn from and exchange with experts and peers via an online e-learning platform. 7 mini-courses distilling among the best lessons of the GE Academy program, to learn at your own pace over 2 months, test your knowledge through specific assignments,...

Happy Birthday + 5 questions for Prof. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

On 30 July, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, French virologist and laureate of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, celebrated her birthday. To mark the occasion, she has agreed to give a mini-interview for the NCC – Gender and Science. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi has dedicated her career as a scientist and activist to stop the spread of AIDS. Her discovery of the HIV virus led to the development of blood tests that could detect the infection, and eventually to...

GENDERACTION: Final conference in July

Almost forty-eight months have passed and GENDERACTION is coming little by little to an end. Besides other tasks, we are recently working on the program for our final event. The Final conference task force met already twice and there will be another meeting soon. We are happy to reveal that the event will be organised jointly with the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council and will bear the name: Deepening ERA through gender equality #DeepeningERA Please, save the date and stay...

Apply for GE Academy Summer School

The European project GE Academy, in cooperation with the Technical University of Madrid, is organizing an online summer school on “Gender, Cities and the Planning Process: Creating Research in Climate, Energy and Mobility” from 7 to 11 June. You can apply by 6th of May. This online Summer School will focus on gender research in cities and planning processes. It will look at the gender dimensions of urban and transportation research, considering in particular gendered-relevant aspects...

Vacancy: Postdoctoral fellow/Junior researcher

Are you interested in social sciences and you are looking for a postdoc job? Look no more – we have a postdoctoral fellow/junior researcher position available at the Centre for Gender and Science. Please send us your CV and cover letter by 12 March 2021. We are looking forward to meet you! Conditions Contract Type: fixed term, full time or minimum 60% FTE (24 hours per week) Hours: up to full time (minimum 60% FTE) Ideal start...

Join UniSAFE: For institutions without gender-based violence

The recently launched UniSAFE project for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV) is looking for candidates from Czech higher education and academia for the purpose of researching this issue. Participating institutions will benefit from involvement by developing, at zero financial cost, effective tools and measures to combat GBV tailored to their own processes and structures, which will help them prepare for the requirements of Horizon Europe. According to the UN, violence against women and girls...

Online Training Gender in Research Weeks

The project GE Academy, which aims to develop and implement a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education, is planning online training sessions, Gender in Research Weeks. During Spring 2021, Gender in Research Weeks will aim to increase the skills of those who are implementing measures towards gender equality in their institutions (management, administrators, HR managers, academic staff etc.). If you belong among them, or if you are simply interested...