
Vacancy: Postdoctoral fellow/Junior researcher

Are you interested in social sciences and you are looking for a postdoc job? Look no more – we have a postdoctoral fellow/junior researcher position available at the Centre for Gender and Science. Please send us your CV and cover letter by 12 March 2021. We are looking forward to meet you! Conditions Contract Type: fixed term, full time or minimum 60% FTE (24 hours per week) Hours: up to full time (minimum 60% FTE) Ideal start...

Join UniSAFE: For institutions without gender-based violence

The recently launched UniSAFE project for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV) is looking for candidates from Czech higher education and academia for the purpose of researching this issue. Participating institutions will benefit from involvement by developing, at zero financial cost, effective tools and measures to combat GBV tailored to their own processes and structures, which will help them prepare for the requirements of Horizon Europe. According to the UN, violence against women and girls...

Online Training Gender in Research Weeks

The project GE Academy, which aims to develop and implement a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education, is planning online training sessions, Gender in Research Weeks. During Spring 2021, Gender in Research Weeks will aim to increase the skills of those who are implementing measures towards gender equality in their institutions (management, administrators, HR managers, academic staff etc.). If you belong among them, or if you are simply interested...

#SpeedUpChange campaign celebrates a great success

5 days of celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is over. National authorities from more than 15 countries were addressed with calls for strengthening their efforts in the area of gender equality in research or for introducing new measures. Some national governmental bodies, ministries and research funding organisations joined the campaign to present their achievements. Teams of GENDERACTION and GEARING-Roles would like to thank all who participated and helped with sharing the...

New campaign celebrates Czech women in science

A new campaign by the Centre for Gender and Science celebrates women in science, but it also points out to the fact that Czech female scientists are not equally represented. The official hashtag of the campaign, launched on social media on 3rd of February, is #WomenInScience. The campaign called Female Scientists’ Successes in 2020 will run from Wednesday till February 11, which marks the International Day of Girls and Women in Science. Under the hashtag...

IDWGS 2021: Help us #SpeedUpChange

On 11 February we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with the aim to increase the visibility of the importance of interventions of national/regional governments, state and/or local administration bodies in achieving gender equality in research and innovation. Join our GENDERACTION Twitter campaign and help us make a difference! Share your ideas between 8 and 12 February 2021 about what national authorities should do to support gender equality in research and innovation. Feel free...

Gina Rippon: I have always been fascinated by the brain

Neuroscientist and feminist, Prof. Gina Rippon, has recently become famous for her work on and critique of  the misuse of neuroscientific research and outdated gender stereotypes. Her scientific efforts culminated in her book The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience that Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain, which investigates the role of life experiences and biology in brain development. In the interview for the Center for Gender and Science, she spoke of stereotypes in neuroscience,...

Read our new newsletter issue

Dear colleagues, dear followers, The end of the year is a time to reflect on the events of the past months. As 2020 was probably one of the most challenging years for many of us, we want to welcome the New Year remembering the good that has happened. We are happy to report on advancements made by the Centre for Gender and Science on the domestic front in the Czech Republic. We also bring you...

Milada Paulová Award 2020 goes to Dr. Ilona Müllerová

The 2020 Milada Paulova Award was given to Ilona Müllerová, director of the Institute of Scientific Instruments CAS and a pioneer in the field of electron microscopy. Ilona Müllerová’s career has been focused on the field of electron microscopy, from the point of view of surface physics and design of an electron-optical system. Since 2012, she has been the director of the Institute of Scientific Instruments where she also leads the research team on surface microscopy...

Join neuroscientist G. Rippon at CGS’s lecture on sexism in brain research

In two weeks already, acclaimed neuroscientist Gina Rippon, the author of ‘The Gendred Brain‘ book,  will give an online lecture on the influence of gender stereotypes in neurosciences and research. Rippon will speak about the ’Hunt the Sex Differences’ agenda with the aim to demonstrate how the belief in differences among ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains can narrow and distort the research processes. She will tackle how gender biases influence the asked research questions, the selected methodology,...