
Join the Train-the-Trainers session in Berlin

Gender Equality Academy is now openly calling applicants for its capacity building session in Berlin. The project is contributing to building the next generation of gender trainers in Europe. Following the successful completion of its commencing cycle of training sessions on different European locations, GE Academy is expanding. Thus, the project seeks to establish new collaboration ties and expand the network of gender experts. In this respect, GE Academy has set to organise a new...

Domestic Policies: Our Advocacy Activities

In 2019, we paid increased attention to advocacy activities. Under the auspices of Prof Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Senator Miluše Horská, we organized a conference on parenthood and research in the Senate. The event was attended by nearly seventy people from the academic community and those at the head of key research institutions and state administration bodies. We have negotiated with the Governmental Office for Research, Development and Innovation...

Institutional Development: GE in Research Organizations

To our great satisfaction, Czech higher education and research institutions are increasingly applying for the HR Award, and the interest in gender equality actions has been growing as well. In 2019, the Working Group for Change, operated by our Centre, expanded both in the number of researchers and HR managers. The group brings together people who are actively involved in the systematic promotion of gender equality in their institution, or who wish to start implementing...

Mentoring: Space for Mutual Support

2019 was the fourth year of our mentoring program for (post)doctoral researchers. In order to contribute to the current efforts towards greater internationalization of the Czech academic environment, we have decided to “switch” the entire program to English – and it paid off, as the program attracted more foreign women researchers, as well as Czechs than in the previous years. The foreign and Czech mentees thus had an opportunity to be mentored and to improve...

Popularization of Science: Oxford Professor

The second half of 2019 was traditionally in the spirit of popularizing research and especially gender topics in science. The highlight of these efforts were two November lectures organized within the Week of Science and Technology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. At our invitation, Professor Gina Neff from Oxford University, came to address the social and political preconceptions encoded in the data used by artificial intelligence, and to show examples of how these systems...

2019 Milada Paulová Award: Professor Marie Čechová

The 11th Milada Paulová Award for recognition of lifelong research achievements and contribution to advancement of research was given in the field of linguistics. Out of the record number of thirteen nominated researchers, Professor Marie Čechová at the University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, was selected as the winner of the award organized by the Centre and awarded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. “When I started my professional work...

GENDERACTION: Visions on GE in the EU

For GENDERACTION, a very busy year has come to a close. In April, we organized a successful conference in Brussels entitled The Future Of Gender Equality in the European Research Area, to discuss visions on gender equality in research in the EU, in particular in the new Horizon Europe framework program. Marcela Linková followed up the outcomes of the conference and other project activities in the autumn by presenting recommendations on structural change as the...

Special Jury Prize for Students’ Research on Sexual Violence in Secondary Schools

This year, our colleague Nina Fárová led an internship Women and Men in Czech Society within the Open Science (Otevřená věda) project of the Academy of Sciences. The secondary school students she supervised, carried out a research study into sexual harassment at secondary schools. They conducted a total of 11 interviews with their classmates and for their work won a special jury prize on 22 November. “It is great that we used the last moment...

Milada Paulová Award Winner: Marie Čechová

On 27 November 2019, Professor Marie Čechová, emeritus professor at the University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, received the 2019 Milada Paulová Award, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in cooperation with the Centre for Gender and Science. The Milada Paulová Award is given annually in recognition of research achievements and contribution to advancement of science. This year it was given in the field of linguistics. “When I started my professional...

Gender Dimensions in Urban Planning. Lecture with Bente Knoll

The gender analysis of common travel surveys shows that the interpretations of the data, along with the questionnaires themselves, reveal biases and simplifications. Complex and differentiated trip chains with different purposes undertaken by people with childcare duties or care responsibilities for the elderly still remain unaccounted for. These biases and simplifications obscure crucial aspects in human behaviour concerning mobility, particularly the behaviour of carers in their everyday lives. It is obvious that a gender-sensitive approach...